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UICC World Cancer Day Spirit Award 2020 für MAHAK

Mahak hat den World Cancer Day Spirit Award der UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) einer internationalen Organisation, in der 1100 Hilfsorganisationen aus 170 Ländern Mitglied sind, erhalten. Klicken Sie auf den untenstehenden Link, wenn Sie die Dankesrede und die Gratulation bekannter Iranischer Künstler sehen möchten.






Liebe Spender

Liebe Spender

Oktober 2018

”Iranian civil society has made a global achievement and the ever-expanding family of MAHAK has proved that the capacity of Iranians’ charity and benevolence is the first in the world.” said Arasb Ahmadian, the CEO of MAHAK.

Arasb Ahmadian stated that the ever-expanding family of MAHAK, in the 27th year of its activities, has received the highest score in the 8th stage of Société Generale de Surveillance (SGS) NGO Benchmarking and added: ”SGS has announced that MAHAK has become the top scorer in the global NGO Benchmark practice with a score of 97.5% form among all the organizations which have valid certificates.”

He added: ”MAHAK voluntarily participated in the 8th stage of SGS NGO Benchmarking to adapt its performance with global standards and ensure that the public donations are utilized in the best way. 328 NGOs including 172 American organizations, 24 European organizations, 51 African organizations and 81 Asian organizations participated in this benchmarking. This is while MAHAK has been able to become the top scorer in the global NGO Benchmark practice with a score of 97.5% among the institutions which have valid certifications.”

Ahmadian highlighted that MAHAK is the first NGO in the Middle East with this achievement and added: "This standard is based on analyzing the performance of 25 outstanding NGOs by SGS and provides the framework for the best NGO management practices at an international level.”

Arasb Ahmadian stated:” The ever-expanding family of MAHAK has been supporting cancer-stricken children and their families for 27 years. As a result of the benevolence of Iranian society in all circumstances, whether good or bad, the treatment of children with cancer has not been stopped even in imposed improper conditions. Therefore, in the light of such continuous support and patronage, our children are concerned about how to live a good life in future instead of how to survive their current situation. Over the years, as a result of the constant patronage and care of the ever-expanding family of MAHAK toward children with cancer and their families thousands of children have received treatment and supportive services and over 6000 children have survived cancer. MAHAK has been able to improve its transparency and accountability to be the top scorer among 328 NGOs only due to the support of the ever-expanding family of MAHAK. This important milestone is an honor for Iranians who can put an end to sorrows with togetherness which will undoubtedly be possible with maintaining hope and being persistent to the goals.

Ahmadian said that receiving the highest rank among the NGOs based on national and international standards in each of the areas of MAHAK’s activities has been one of the main objectives of MAHAK’s vision statement and added “MAHAK is one of the few charities in Iran which has always volunteered to be audited and constantly strives for continuous advancements and improvements. Due to the same reason, it is the first organization among the ones with creditable certifications.

Iranian civil society is a model for the world, and we believe that members of the ever-expanding Family of MAHAK can acquire the highest global ranks. We congratulate this success to Iranian philanthropists and hope that we can have the lowest rates of cancer and the highest survivorship rates, which will only be possible if you stand by children with cancer and their families.”



Am 21.02.2016 war das Forum Alstertal erneut Schauplatz unseres nunmehr vierten Norouz-Bazars. Die Anfragen im Vorfeld waren so zahlreich, dass wir leider vielen Interessenten absagen mussten, da der Veranstaltungsraum nicht für eine so hohe Anzahl von Besuchern eingerichtet ist. Wir versuchen, im kommenden Jahr einen größeren Veranstaltungsraum zu finden. Vielen Dank an alle Besucher für ihr zahlreiches Erscheinen und ihre Unterstützung durch Spenden und Eintrittsgelder sowie an die Künstler die ehrenamtlich aufgetreten sind und uns mit ihren Darbietungen unterhalten haben. Daneben haben die Sponsoren : Aspria, Burgerlich, Café Reinhardt, Konditorei Boyens, Mickelmas, Monkey Donuts, Petit Cafe und die tatkräftigen Helfer sowie alle, die Speisen und Artikel für das Buffet vorbereitet haben, dazu beigetragen, dass es uns dieses Jahr gelungen ist, die Spendeneinnahmen des Vorjahres zu übertreffen und 7.117,- EUR einzusammeln.
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